Hampshire Trust Bank joins Fiba as lender partner

By: ameer@trustedteam.com

Hampshire Trust Bank (HTB) has joined the Financial Intermediary & Broker Association (Fiba) as a lender partner.

The bank is now offering Fiba members access to its products and services.

HTB offers residential and semi-commercial specialist mortgages for professional portfolio landlords and property investors, as well as providing residential and commercial bridging, development finance and asset finance.

Fiba executive chairman Adam Tyler comments: “HTB are a lender partner we have wanted to add to our panel for a number of years, it was always just a case of waiting for the right time.”

“That time has now arrived, and I’m very pleased we are able to facilitate access to their service and support through the Fiba lender panel.”

HTB managing director of specialist lending Chris Daly adds: “HTB are proud to partner with FIBA, given its focus on supporting and empowering our broker partners. This aligns strongly with our own purpose of helping experienced property investors.”

“Through this partnership, we hope to deliver much-needed support to landlords with our innovative products together with excellent customer service and fast turnaround times.”

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